One size doesn’t fit all 😜

Jun 14, 2024 5:01 am


How do you feel about being pigeon holed?

One size doesn’t fit all. 

Until it does.

I’m talking about stress.

Your body responds to stress physiologically the same no matter what has stressed it. 

→ The unloading of the dishwasher at 5am because they couldn’t sleep (and now you’re awake too) 

→ The person who put the empty carton of milk back in the fridge and now you can’t have your morning cuppa

→ A well timed argument with your other half when it should be your meditation practice space 

→ The idiots they allow to have drivers licenses

→ The person whistling round the store

These are just a few examples that spring to mind.

Stress is stress is stress is stress.

And that doesn’t even include your working day!

When you’re a small business owner, wearing all of the business hats, it doesn’t matter if you’re super successful and just not ready to relinquish control, or whether you’re just starting out and unable to outsource just yet.

Stress is part of the parcel of it.

But the thing by is stress isn’t a one size fits all.

If you are genuinely thriving and loving putting in the hours, carry on if it’s not causing you additional stress.

We’re all different and so what stresses us out is different.

A bit like the phrase ‘work-life balance’.

You have the coaches that will always tell you that you need to hustle and work all hours to build your businesses.

Then you feeling like you’re not measuring up and so you need to do more.

The thing is if you are feeling stressed from working all the hours, you probably need to more time off, not more work. 

At the very least to have some time out scheduled in so you can see light at the end of the tunnel.

You have to do what works best for you, right?!

If you are finding it a little tough going then perhaps you need to bring some calm to the chaos?

Then allow me to help you. Here’s 3 ways:

↘ Listen to this meditation to bring positive changes to your life:

↘  Join the Serendipity Sanctuary- a monthly subscription bringing moments of calm straight to your ears:

↘ Come along to the Rediscover Your Radiant Health Retreat- your light at the end of the tunnel:

Love + wellness

Tracy x 
