Last few hours ⏰

Jul 09, 2024 5:32 pm

Evening beautiful

How has your day been?

I just wanted to tell you about a recent situation, because it might just be something that can help you too…

I had a call with a client recently, she was in floods of tears.

She felt like a failure.

Like everything she was doing just not enough and that she was doing too much all at the same time.

She’d just launched a new group cohort and on top of dealing with other life stuff, she was completely exhausted.

But she is of course none of these things.

In fact she had a super successful business, actually she had three super successful businesses.

She was simply a solopreneur that was overwhelmed and had super low energy levels.

And all that self doubt, that she had worked so much to suppress came spilling out- it takes soooo much energy to keep all those feelings inside

Luckily she has a huge toolbox to support her and me in her back pocket!

But what do you do if those signs that something isn’t quite right are becoming louder, brighter and bigger.

Like you’re losing yourself and not living the life you want, because your business is taking over.

I mean, you can have all of the support, resources and business strategies in place, but if you are not taking care of you then you’ll still wind up feeling out of sorts.

If any of this sounds familiar or resonates with you, then you may be on your way to burnout.

So what can you do about it.


Emotional well-being is at the core of what I do, and acknowledging and managing emotions is crucial for preventing burnout. 

Try this…

  • Sit comfortably
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose
  • Take a brief pause 
  • Exhale through your nose
  • Repeat twice more
  • Now place the first two fingers of your right hand in the groove on your chin
  • Place an intention to create calm and peace
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose 
  • Then breathe out through the mouth with a short sharp breath followed by a longer slower breath (feels like you are expelling all the air)
  • Repeat twice more
  • Feel the unwanted emotions being released. 

This helps to release pent-up stress and emotions and brings a sense of inner peace.

If you found this helpful let me know

Have a great evening

Love + wellness

Tracy x


If you’d like a little more calm in your chaos, then please join us at the Rediscover Your Radiant Health Retreat.

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