Like the Layers of an Onion - Another Monday Morning Match from Sean Carpenter

Aug 19, 2024 12:30 pm

Like the Layers of an Onion


I ran into some old high school slassmates this weekend. We're not close, but it was an immediate connection. We saw each other and there was instant amicability. I knew them and they knew me. There were no ulterior motives or plans on either side of the conversation. A few minutes of smiles and small talk then we were on our seperate ways.

If I'm being totally honsest, I've probably spoken to them maybe 10 times total in the almost 40 years since we graduated from high school.

Would I consider them potential clients? Probably not.

Do I expect future referrals from them? I doubt it.

The interaction was warm and enjoyable. It was a few minutes of catching up and exchanging pleasantries, but we aren't booking any family vacations together anytime soon. 

Just like the layers of an onion, the multiple layers of relationships we all have in our personal and business lives are many. We have people we consider "core" connections and we have some that barely scratch the surface. The ones closer to the center deserve more of our attention, focus, and time. Those further from the center deserve our honesty, respect, and a courteous exchange when we cross paths, but we probably realize they shouldn't be pushed deeper into the ring of relationships closer to the center at the expense of other people who have somehow earned a spot beyond the outer edges.

I'm super proud that I have a pretty big core of my "onion." I have some pretty amazing relationships that deserve to be nurtured, appreciated, and engaged with. These people might be family, friends, clients, or connections from some corner of my life. Consistent touches with the people closer to my "bullseye" need to happen more than the strangers sitting just beyond the outer rings.

I need to be more personal. More committed. More purposeful.

I need to peel the layers back and let the raw emotions take over, just like when peeling an onion.

I think we all do. 
