Sphere of Influence - A Monday Morning Match from Carp's Corner

Aug 05, 2024 12:30 pm

Sphere of Influence


I Know Them and They Know Me

In a relationship business like real estate, it's no surprise that more than 75% of my transactions have come from my sphere of influence. The simple way I define my sphere would be "I know them and they know me."

I have worked hard for the last 27+ years as a Realtor to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun. Everything starts with the building of the relationships and then continuing to deepen, strengthen, and nurture those relationships one opportunity at a time. Seeking to harness the power of the Ripple Effect from the center of the sphere all the way out to the edges and back. If I know 100 people and they know 100 people and they know 100 people, it's quite powerful how strong each relationship could be.

Welcome to The Sphere

This past weekend, I got to experience the opposite effect. Something I call the "Influence of the Sphere."

I was in Las Vegas to attend a Dead & Company concert. It was held at the very modern and breathtaking building called The Sphere. Instead of me being at the center of the sphere, it was the band that was at the center and all of their "connections" (aka fans, followers, or the colloquial "Dead Heads") were there for the same reason. 


I Know Them and They Know Me

Attendance numbers weren't released but there was an estimated 18,000+ in attandance for the show, and probably another 1,000+ outside the venue that just came to town to enjoy the experience. Maybe those people outside the venue had tickets for another one of the shows that weekend or perhaps they were just looking for a "Miracle." That's when someone gives them a random free ticket to the show.

While I didn't really know anyone else who was at the show besides my good friend Anthony who traveled from Tampa to experience the show with me, it kind of felt like I knew everyone there...and they knew me.

Even before the music started, it felt like a community. A tribe. A family.

We were on the same page. There was a common ground established through music. I guess you could say it was almost like we were all singing the same tune.


There were old people and there were young people. There were people seeing the band for the first time and some seeing the band (or iterations of the band) for the 100th time or more.

Everyone felt comfortable dancing alone or dancing together. Singing along or sitting silently and being inspired by the music and the breathtaking visuals.

There were no gaps caused by one side being red and one side being blue. There was just a massive blending of colors. Truly, maybe our world needs more tie-dyes for everyone and fewer side eyes from everyone. 




Getting ROI from Your SOI

What will you do to leverage the power of your sphere this week?

In person? A phone call? A text or email? A hand-written note, flyer, newsletter, or something else that can arrive in their mailbox?

How will you connect, engage, share, and support the people you know?

Where can you simply show up and listen?

The images on my phone and in my mind will be reviewed and shared for years. As I think back on the phenomenal experience, I'll use it as inspiration and a reminder of the power of a sphere.

I know them...and they know me.  

