Add a Little Soy Sauce ; Another Monday Morning Match from Carp's Corner
Jan 15, 2024 1:30 pm
Add a Little Soy Sauce
The new year is up and running and most signs are pointing to it being a busy year for Realtors.
How are you feeling about your schedule so far? Are you tackling the business development activities first before you take on the business support activities? Have you made the words "conversations" and "appointments" your main focus each day?
As you look to maximize your opportunities in the upcoming Spring market, you might need to decide if you're going to go with the SOS approach or the Soy Sauce strategy.
Please allow me to explain...
Some of you choose to build your business with the SOS approach; Spending on Strangers. You buy leads through 3rd party brands, referral companies, and other lead sources. Maybe you blanket random neighborhoods with occasional mailers. Perhaps you purchase lists of names and then bury them with unrequested emails.
Or you can add a little SOY SAUCE to your strategy; Spending On Your Sphere and Unique Client Engagements.
I'm not advocating opening up your life savings and simply spending money to make money, but I am a big fan of occasional breakfasts, coffees, lunches, and happy hours with people you already know. You don't even need to talk about real estate. You just need to talk about...well, life.
Could you invite a client or close friend out to enjoy a round of golf? What about a Monday Manicure Meet-Up with someone who recently referred you to a client?
Stop by the local card store and buy a few congratulations cards, sympathy cards, graduation cards, birthday cards, and anniversary cards. Invest in a personally branded magazine from Reminder Media to make sure your clients keep you at the top of their minds. Buy some Girl Scout cookies from your client's granddaughter. Support that local community event or fundraiser.
You don't need to host big events. Micro-client events work well and you have more opportunity for one-on-one engagement. Monthly or quarterly appreciation dinners or happy hours give you a chance to thank those who have supported your business. Random pop-bys with a small token or seasonal gift could be just the trick to get that client to remember you the next time real estate pops into their head.
Look, SOS strategies can work, but they just might leave you feeling lonely.
Add some SOY SAUCE to your business and I'm pretty sure it'll leave a really good taste in your mouth.