Even When You Don't Co-Op, Cooperation Matters - Another Post from Carp's Corner

Nov 20, 2023 1:31 pm

Even When You Don't Co-Op, Cooperation Matters


I had a listing that received multiple offers this past weekend. Both Realtors texted and left me voicemails about their incoming offers. Both Realtors asked me good questions that would only help to make their offers more clear and potentially acceptable for their clients. Both Realtors sent text messages once they had submitted their offer notifying me to confirm receipt.

It's not too difficult to figure out that only one of the Realtors had their offer accepted. My clients were diligent in their thought process and chose the offer that made the best sense to them and their future plans. 

The Realtor for the "accepted offer" was obviously appreciative and thankful, excited that his clients will soon be moving forward to the next chapter of their lives in this new house.

It's never easy to deliver the bad news to the Realtor whose offer wasn't chosen. I always choose to deliver that news personally, either via a phone call or in person. I never just leave a message, send a "too bad, so sad" text message, or the weakest way to deliver the news - just updating the MLS and letting the Realtor or Buyers see the status change on Zillow. 

The refreshing part of today's call was that the other Realtor, who was hoping to be the co-op agent on the other side of the transaction, couldn't have been more professional. He would have loved to have his client's offer be the one my clients chose but that didn't happen. He was understanding of my client's decision. He asked some relevant questions to try and learn what his clients might have done differently to have been the top choice. He asked me to keep in touch with him in case something happens with the primary contract. He finished the call by thanking me for calling and wished me and my clients good luck with our transaction. 


How about that? Cooperation and consideration even though he wasn't chosen. He opted to be courteous and constructive. His choice to aim for a collaborative conversation almost assured me that the next time I see his name on a text, email, or future offer, his client's offer will be presented in a complimentary tone.

It's a great reminder that real estate transactions are between Buyers and Sellers. They aren't battles, fights, or competition between Realtors. Be someone other Realtors...and clients...want to work with.

Who will you be cooperating with this week?

"Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much"

Helen Keller
