Throwing Shade - Another Monday Morning Match from Carp's Corner

Apr 08, 2024 12:30 pm

Throwing Shade


Perhaps you've heard about the total solar eclipse that will happen today across North America. It's been kind of a big deal in the media. There can be between two and five solar eclipses every year, total eclipses only happen about once every 18 months or so. According to, "A particular spot on Earth witnesses a total solar eclipse only once in 400 years."

For those in the "path of totality" they will see the sky go from sunshine to shade as the moon passes directly between the Earth and the sun. Those in the United States not in the "path of totality" will still a partial eclipse which will create a shade covering part of the sun.

The eclipse is a cool moment in time where Mother Nature gets to "throw some shade" but lately, it seems like many people in our industry have been "throwing shade" on others with expressions of contempt or disrespect. 

Maybe the real estate industry is just a microcosm of today's society and everyone feels that they can criticize, point fingers, pass blame, and just be nasty to others. Sadly, with it being an election year, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better.

Less Shade. More Sunshine.

Maybe moving forward we remind ourselves of something my local company president, Joe King, says all the time; "Each one of us represents all of us."

Let's sweep in front of our own front door before worrying about the trash and debris that might be in front of the competition's front door. Stop waiting for the media to suddenly "be our friend." Take care of your own customers and clients instead of spending our precious time wondering what other agents or brokers are doing with their customers and clients.

Yes, changes might be coming to our industry, but as of today, nothing has changed. Babies will be born and people will die. Jobs will be secured and jobs will be lost. Marriages will happen ("I do") and so will divorces ("we're done").

Buyers will buy. Sellers will sell. Investors will invest. Builders will build.

Control what you can and don't worry about what you can't. 


Sometimes things just need to line up just right so you can see something magical.

You know...just like an eclipse.
