What is the X-Factor for 2024? - Another Post from Carp's Corner

Jan 01, 2024 1:30 pm

What is the X-Factor for 2024?


Last year, I kicked off 2023 with a post sharing some "thoughts, ideas, and reminders" that were designed to make last year amazing.

As the calendar changes and we shift our attention to a clean slate, I figured I'd share a similar post for The "X" Year - 2024. You see, last year, I focused on 23 words that began with the letter "W" because w is the 23rd letter of the alphabet and that matched the year. Taking that same concept into 2024 makes sense using the 24th letter of the alphabet - "X"

Instead of talking about playing your Xylophone near the XeroX machine, or hanging your Xenon lights in your personal Xanadu, I'm going to ask for a little latitude in my attempt at inspiration...

You have the power to make 2024 your best year ever.

Review the past year and identify if there are any major issues you need to fiX. MaXimize your opportunities, be fleXible to try new things, and look for something to add to the miX. Then, here's what you need to do neXt;

Remember that you are an eXpert in real estate. Regardless of how long you have held your real estate license, you know what you're doing. Your customers, clients, and community will rely on your eXpertise in helping them navigate their buying and selling needs in the new year.

Look for every opportunity to eXceed people's eXpectations. That starts by understanding what their eXpectations are in your initial conversations.

While we're talking about our Buyer and Seller interviews, now is a good time to eXamine the materials we are using. Could you eXplore new tools or technologies that might eXpand your professionalism?

Speaking of our Buyers and Sellers, do we eXude the competence and confidence to seek eXclusive representation agreements so that after we eXplain how we work and earn our income, everyone is on the same page?

What eXciting things do you have to look forward to in the new year?

Could you eXtend an invitation to a potential customer or past client to breakfast, coffee, lunch, or happy hour? 

Maybe you can eXchange referrals with a fellow Realtor outside of your market? What kind of eXotic locations or eXcursions might the people in your sphere of influence be enjoying this year that just might have them thinking of an eXtra place to live?

In pirate movies, they always had a map where "X marked the spot" where the treasure would be found. You don't need to go on any eXpeditions to eXclaim your knowledge of your local market. Make sure all of your marketing materials eXhibit that you love where you live and you also love what you do. When what you say and do eXemplifies a true "local eXpert", why wouldn't people eXpress an interest in your assistance?

Of course, these are just some eXamples I sharing here. Imagine if you found ways to eXpedite your relationships with people from a total stranger to a trusted advisor, how much eXcellence could be in your future? 

It just takes something a little eXtra to go from ordinary to eXtraordinary.

EXercise some of these ideas in your business this year and you just might be the X-Factor your local marketplace has been waiting for.

Now kick back and eXhale. You've got a busy year ahead. Please be sure to connect with me over on Twitter...oops, I mean X. (You can find me there by clicking here)

Best of luck in 2024 and beyond.

Keep building relationships, solving problems, and having fun.

