What Costume Will You Wear This Year? - Another Monday Morning Match from Sean Carpenter

Oct 21, 2024 12:31 pm

What Costume Will You Wear This Year?


We're just a few weeks away from Halloween. It sure does seem to me that this holiday, celebrated on October 31st here in the US, has become a much bigger deal than when I was a youngster.

I don't remember people decorating their house and yard with skeletons, ghosts, inflatable pumpkins, and spider webs. I certainly don't think there were pop-up Halloween costume shops showing up in vacant malls and unused stores all over town. I also don't recall professionals dressing up as their favorite actor or athlete or some other character and showing up for work.

I do remember carving pumpkins and going out for Trick-or-Treat in my neighborhood in search of sweet treats and candy. My younger brother and I would return home and dump our candy out in separate piles on the living room floor to compare our hauls and divide our candy by brand and style.

I can't recall any of my childhood costumes but I do remember some of them were so old-school, I had to wear a plastic mask held to my head by a thin rubber band. I can still feel the sweat dripping down my forehead behind that mask after running through the neighborhood, intent upon our goal of a full plastic pumpkin or pillow case.

What Costume Will You Wear This Year?


Now you might be one of those people that lives for Halloween. You love to come up with the hottest trends and funny outfits and seek out neighborhood parties or any good reason to dress up and celebrate. I'm not talking about that kind of costume.

What I am asking about is the "costume" you'll wear when you show up in front of your customers, clients, and communities as you seek to earn more opportunities to help Buyers and Sellers with their real estate needs.

Will you be a...

Guide - who shows people around the local neighborhoods and towns and shows off all of the fun establishments and features of living in the area?

Consultant - who helps people understand their options and explains the various decisions that can be made to achieve the outcomes they seek?

Listener - Someone who hears more than just people's answers but reads between the lines and picks up on subtle clues that give unique insights to customers likes, dislikes, and wants, needs, and dreams?

Question Asker - The best salespeople are the best question askers. Do you frame your presentations for Buyers and Sellers around questions that could lead you...and them...to a desirable conclusion.

Accountant - It's always a good idea to run your business like a business so having the ability to manage and account for the financials in a successful business is critical. Are you setting aside money for marketing, client care, and taxes? Do you have a budget and do you actually follow it?

Marketer - Can you do the things it takes to earn that all important "Top of Mind Awareness"? What tactics and strategies will you implement to make sure when people think of real estate that they think of you? Is your name getting out in front of people in person, in their mailboxes, on their screens, in their inboxes, and on the social channels?

Social Director - Remember Julie on the Love Boat? She was always one of the staff favorite's of the guests on the ship because she was there to plan events and make sure everyone has fun. Are you coordinating micro-client events, customer appreciation gatherings, or coming up with creative reasons to get in front of your audience?


Loyal Partner (Professional Version) - Who are those people that help you with your job each day? Do you have some great affiliates who are there to add value to your clients and help make the transactions happen? Maybe if you choose this costume, you put yourself in a position to help others. As Zig Ziglar used to say, "Help enough people get what they want and soon enough, you'll get what you want."

Loyal Partner (Personal Version) - This is that costume that should be worn when you're not at work. It allows you to spend quality time with your spouse or partner, children, and grandkids and not always be talking about real estate. Do some chores around the house, go out for an unexpected meal, or show up for a ballgame or school event. This costume allows whoever wears it to simply be present.

Planner - I've said it before: The cool thing about real estate is it's different every day, but the bad thing about real estate is it's different every day. Do you have a to-do list each day so you know what you should be doing? Do you have an activity goal each week? When was the last time you looked at your business plan?

Doer - This costume is perfect for that person who loves to "get up, show up, and do the work!" Remember, activity usually breeds more activity.

Dreamer - What could happen if there were no budgets? No rules? No limitations?

Maybe this year, I'll just grab that ol' costume I know works well and still fits.

It's the one that allows me to be myself, is alwasy really confortable and gives me the power to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun.

