I'm Hosting an AMA For Career Questions ✨

Oct 23, 2020 7:17 pm

Hey there!

Today at 2PM CST I'm going to try out my streaming setup to get ready to offer more webinars and support my new class - Your $10k Resume. So I thought I might as well let everyone know about it and use that time to help people with their development careers.

That means you can ask me your questions during that stream and I'll answer. No cost, no nothing. Just come with questions and I'll answer as many as I can for the duration of the stream.

Google Calendar Invite

Spread the word. I've got some thick skin, but I'd be pretty sad if I'm the only one there!

Since you all are my in-crowd, you can also reply-back with your career questions and I'll answer them first.

Oh, I was on a panel recently about career advice. I'll let you all know when the recording is released, but in the meantime they published a summary of the advice.

See you soon!


Ryan Latta


🗒️ Observations from a Pandemic


The Corona Virus pandemic isn’t slowing down, but mentally I’ve emerged from hibernation.

It hit hard in April of 2020, and now it’s October.

That is how long it took for me to emerge from the haze of feeling mentally unsettled.

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🗒️ Enough Tutorials Already!


The other day someone reached out to me with a question I get somewhat regularly, but I never really thought to write down my answer much.

The question was, “How do you come up to speed quickly on new languages and technology?

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🗒️ A Vignette of Kaizen


Don’t tell my kids, but we bought an absurd present for Christmas, and I spent a few hours putting it together and hiding it in the attic.

It is called a Pickler.

As I assembled it, I went through several rapid improvements in my approach to building it, and I am going to connect back to Kaizen or continuous improvement hopefully.

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