2 questions that can immediately reduce stress

Feb 19, 2023 4:19 pm


Welcome - Today I'm talking about a strategy I go to time and time again when I am struggling with stress and negative thought patterns.

A little over 4 years ago, I was in the hospital and my mental health was in shambles. I want to share an unexpected thing I did that made me feel better which I later found out was a tried and true technique to handle tough thoughts.

When I was struggling, I grabbed a notebook and started writing out my thoughts and worries, it helped me slow down, notice what wasn't true and notice unhelpful patterns. I still use it when things get tough and I always feel better, I even keep that same notebook handy to remind me of how far I have come.

I found out that what I was doing was a form of using objectivity. Which simply means using data to help manage tough thoughts. Below is a blog post and video on how you can use it in your day to day. Let me know how it helps.


My golden ticket offer for you:


I'm in the middle of building out a new group coaching program and I am looking for help to make it Exactly what you want and need.

Here is my ask and how to win:

Please fill in this form (5 minutes max) and I will give one lucky winner a free ticket to the program. I will also give anyone who participates a sweetheart discount for it. Reply to me with any questions or thoughts as I am looking for as much data as I can here.


Blog of The Week: Transform Your Mindset and Beat Stress: 4 Objectivity-Based Strategies

4 minute read with 4 actionable things you can implement.

Video of The Week: Two Simple Questions that Can Immediately Reduce Stress

This is a great way to use objectivity with 2 questions that can help you out immediately. Also, your boy got himself some software and has some actual production quality on his videos now. Not Michael Bay level, but trying to up my game on YouTube. Stress reduction with explosions and car chases is the collab we all need.

When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Have me deliver a live training for your company, book a free consult.
  2. Join My Group Coaching Program; Get added to the waitlist and help me craft it with this form.
  3. If you're struggling, just email me. I know how hard it can be and I don't ever want people to go what I went through. If I can help, I will.