How Work Life Balance Can Make you More Productive 12/18

Dec 18, 2022 1:46 pm

Welcome to the Stress Less and Get More Done Newsletter !

This Weeks Topic: Work Life Balance

Here's my ten minute shutdown routine you can use to improve your productivity and promote a sense of separation between your work and personal life.

Step 1: Have a defined stop time, this will help you stay on track and not spend your whole night working. It forces you to focus and fight off distracted behavior.

Step 2: Clean your inbox out keeping only actionable emails and filing away the noise. I throw most of my email in a No-Action Folder.

Step 3: Write down the top 3 things you want to accomplish the next morning. Make sure they can all be done in an hour, be realistic.

Step 4: Go do something you enjoy and reward yourself. Go for a walk, workout, watch your favorite show. Anything that gives your brain that cue that work is done.

Step 5: Start your next day on those 3 items, not email, slack or other distractions. You will feel accomplished, actually get something done and have some control of your day.

Blog of The Week:​ 3 Books to Read if Your Work Life Balance Sucks

​I read these books during my phase of googling "am I burnt out" 18 times a day.

Video of the Week: How a Shutdown Routine Can Improve Work Life Balance AND Productivity

Want to accomplish more? Do Less. So crazy it just might work for you.


Shameless self promotion incoming...


Feeling overwhelmed and stressed?

You're not alone. Stress is a part of life, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer. In just 15 minutes a day, you can start to see a real difference in your stress levels by using the techniques in my new workbook 15 Minute Stress Reduction. Anyone who purchases will be entered to win a free coaching call.

Thanks so much, as always, please reply if there are things you are looking for more content on.

When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Have me deliver a live training for your company, book a free consult. I offer a $100 donation to the charity of your choice in your name for referrals.
  2. Book a 1:1 strategy session to help you get more done in less time here
  3. Grab a copy of my new workbook: 15 Minute Stress Reduction for $14.99.