Are YOU Ready to Reframe Your Stepmom Role & Reclaim Your Life?

May 04, 2024 4:36 pm

Hi there,

Are you a stepmom feeling the weight of your blended family? Have you been at this for awhile and thought it would get easier and it's just gotten "different" in the hard department?

You're not alone.

Many stepmoms struggle to define their space and place, navigate complex relationships, and feel truly fulfilled.

But what if there was a way to rewrite your stepmom story? To reframe your role and disconnect it from YOU as a woman? As a wife?

In my NEW exclusive coaching group, ARK Mentoring Program, that's exactly what we're doing! We're just four days in, and stepmoms are already experiencing powerful transformations:

  • "It's only been two days, but I feel so much stronger..."
  • "I feel like your morning reframes are speaking directly to me..."
  • "What you shared is exactly what is going on..."
  • "I love how you reframed that for me... thinking of it that way really brought peace..."
  • "Being able to process with you in real time is a game changer!"

Here's the thing: Spots in this group are limited, and the price will go up in June.

This is your chance to join a supportive community, learn innovative reframing techniques, and finally reclaim your life as a stepmom.

Here's what you get:

  • Real-time support: I'm with you every step of the way, offering guidance and personalized advice. Literally, using a safe and secure app you can ask me questions in real time and I WILL respond to you.
  • Powerful reframing: Learn to shift your perspective and see challenges as opportunities. Twice a week, Reframe Moments in the Group and Q&A.
  • Lasting transformation: I don't just teach you - I walk it out with you. That is what differentiates me from so many. I will never tell you "let it go" I will SHOW YOU HOW AND WALK YOU THROUGH IT!!! In this group, you'll discover how to build healthy boundaries, prioritize self-care, and find fulfillment in your role.
  • Individualized AND Group coaching. In real time.

Why is it called ARK Mentoring?

I'm glad you asked. Anchor; Reflect; Know your worth.

I teach women how to reframe difficult relationships and situations and reclaim their peace. The ARK is what we build to create a safe space to ride above the drama that is created by others and often floods our heart and home. It helps us navigate if we do life with someone who emotionally floods.

What is emotional flooding? Simply put, emotional flooding is a sudden, intense surge of emotions that can overwhelm someone. For example, if you and your spouse can be getting along great and you bring up his child and he suddenly goes from happy to labeling you..... you are most likely on the receiving end of emotional flooding. It is not a conscious decision and it explains behavior but doesn't excuse it. I address this and teach YOU how to navigate.

If you'd like me to send you a link to the workshop I did on this topic, reply to this email and I'll deliver it to your inbox!

Back to ARK Mentoring... here's a special offer:

  • Join this month and keep your discounted price FOREVER! It's just $124 for the entire month of MAY. That is just a little more than my one hour one on one coaching calls. I'm offering super cheap this month as May is one of the hardest months for stepmoms and I want you to know - I got your back! (and your heart and mind)
  • Full money-back guarantee: If you're not satisfied within the two weeks, you get a full refund, no questions asked.

June's price will increase! The true value of what you're gaining - what you are getting is well over $5K - is priceless because you are reclaiming your peace and your emotional wellbeing. I'm gonna be in your pocket for a whole month walking you through.... I'm not kidding.

Don't let this door close on you. Take control of your stepmom story and join us today!

Click here to secure your spot (limited availability): I want in!


Heather Hetchler

Your Reframing Expert!

P.S. Don't wait! This opportunity won't last forever.
