Tips for Navigating Financial Infidelity

Feb 08, 2024 2:10 pm

Dear Stepmom sister,

Remarriage with kids, especially with the complexities of blended families, requires open communication and trust, especially when it comes to finances. One issue that often lingers in the shadows is "financial infidelity."

Yesterday, I introduced the concept of financial infidelity to you and today, I'm sharing tips on how to recognize it and address it.

Financial infldelity goes beyond secretive spending; it involves a breach of trust in financial matters within a relationship. If you find yourself facing this challenge, either as the one practicing financial infidelity or as the affected partner, know that you're not alone.

Recognizing Financial Infidelity:

Financial infidelity can manifest in various ways in a remarriage, from undisclosed debts to hidden expenditures that impact shared financial goals. This breach of trust can strain the foundation of your relationship, particularly when children from previous marriages are involved.

Taking the First Step:

The first step towards resolution is acknowledging the issue. If you suspect financial infidelity or recognize it in your own actions, it's time for a courageous conversation. Honest self-reflection is crucial, and this extends to having an open dialogue with your partner about both emotional AND financial concerns.

The reason someone does something in secret is fear. Either there is a fear of the other person's reaction or a fear of failure or perhaps a fear of something else. Rarely, the reason is one partner is self-focused and doesn't care or value their partner. This is typically the exception NOT the rule. This is a deeper marriage issue and one that has to be addressed as it will permeate all areas of the relationship.

The Role of Money Mindset Coaching:

Money mindset coaching can be a valuable resource in navigating these challenging conversations. It provides a supportive space to explore your relationship with money, helping you align your financial goals with your values. A skilled coach can guide you through the process of understanding each other's perspectives, fostering empathy, and creating a shared vision for your financial future.

Steps to Address Financial Infidelity:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to understand your own money mindset and actions. What drives your financial decisions, and are they aligned with your shared goals?
  2. Open Dialogue: Initiate an honest conversation with your partner. Create a safe space for them to share their perspective as well.
  3. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider enlisting the support of a money mindset coach. They can help bridge communication gaps and provide tools for aligning your financial visions while addressing your emotional needs.
  4. Establish Shared Goals: Work together to create financial goals that reflect the values of your blended family. This may involve compromise, but it sets the foundation for financial harmony.

Financial infidelity is a challenge that many remarried couples face due to the complexities of blended dynamics, but with open communication, self-reflection, and the assistance of a money mindset coach, you can navigate these complexities and build a shared financial future. Remember, it's never too late to start aligning your money mindset with your relationship goals.

You may be in a bit of shock reading this. Perhaps you haven't been transparent with finances or maybe it's your spouse. Don't heap shame or guilt on either yourself or your spouse. You know what you know now - now it's time to move forward.

Want to dive in deeper and talk? Schedule a FREE call with me and I'll listen to your needs and give you advice and direction.

Remember the power of the pause I've been teaching you? I want you to use it. You don't have to react. Take time to feel what you are feeling right now and work on a response. A courageous conversation with yourself, your spouse and making decisions to do things different moving forward.

I'm here to guide you on the journey.


