What is YOUR Biggest Struggle Right NOW?

Jul 03, 2024 12:26 pm

Dear Friend,

The world seems to be getting crazier by the minute. Don't worry, I might be referring to the debate but I'm not going to talk politics with you.

Seriously, there is no debate that stressful things seem to be all around and if there isn't something stressing you out, rest assured your kids or stepkids are upset and you hurt for them. (Raising hand here 🤚)

Stress will always be a part of our lives. The key is how we choose to look at it and manage it so it doesn't manage us. How we choose to view our complexities has a direct impact on our choices to move forward and therefore on our experience.

As someone dedicated to always delivering the best to my clients, I am committed to continually asking for feedback, evolving my offers, looking at themes in my clients' pain points and themes in what makes my coaching and mentoring so effective. Yep, I'm not bashful at how well I am able to help others. It's a passion for me and I'm grateful to work with women and couples to identify their real stressors and address them quickly.

Because I care about my community, I'm gonna ask you a favor to better understand your needs.

Please respond to this email with the top challenge you are navigating (you can give me as little or much detail as you want.) Always kept in confidence. Don't overthink - just hit reply and share.


Click here and answer this short poll.

You get to choose! And you can choose both if you like.

Respond by July 7th. I'll randomly draw one name and send an Amazon Gift Card.

For all of you, I appreciate you and thank you for your time and your trust.

Thanks again!

I truly look forward to hearing back from you.


Heather Hetchler

Want to hop on a call? Click here: Let's talk!
