If you're feeling stuck, this is for you!

Apr 02, 2024 11:05 am

Here's the thing, you may be feeling stuck right now. It happens. Truth is we all feel "stuck" from time to time. If you are stuck in a pattern and frustrated, it can feel like nothing you do is gonna matter. I'm gonna share something pretty simple yet pretty powerful with you. Something that holds true whether you .....

  • want to feel less stress in your family
  • desire to loose weight
  • want to cook and eat healthier
  • tired of having clutter around you
  • want a new job

You have to simply START!

Seriously, I know it sounds silly but stay with me and I'm going to teach you an acronym you can pull out every time you just want to pull inward, crawl up and wait til' tomorrow.

S.T.A.R.T. - Step Toward Actualizing Real Transformation

  • Are you tired of your house a mess - clean out one drawer.
  • Do you want to loose weight? Track how much water you drink in a day.
  • Do you want to cook and eat healthier? No more eating out this week.
  • Do you want to fee less stress? Choose to not engage.
  • Do you desire a new job? Work on your resume.

What do all of these desired transformations have in common? - you take one small achievable action. This is important. Choose a small action you know you can achieve and then do it. This builds momentum AND brings movement forward.

Until you just start trying something different, you won't feel different.

It can be scary to try something new if you fear it may fail and then you might feel even worse. And guess what? You might. You feel bad now anyway. Why not try something new and test whether it works or not and go from there?

Failing ISN'T bad. It's weeding out what doesn't work so you are closer to what does.

How's that for a Reframe?

Think about where you are feeling stuck? Maybe it's related to your role of stepmom. Maybe it's something different. Whatever it is, I want you to commit to trying something. And I'd love to hear from you what step you are taking! Seriously, respond to this email and I'll personally write you back a note of encouragement and offer some guidance.

Upcoming Events Not to Be Missed:

What I Tell Myself When Life Feels Hard (Reframe Instagram LIVE 4/4 at 12:30pm EST): Here's some truth from the trenches: you can't control anyone but you. That is bad news and good news, right? It's tough when you want good things for another and your family and you can see so clearly but feel powerless. Good news, you can control YOU and how you respond and how you allow it to impact you - that is what I am going to work on with YOU! Join me for this short reframing moment where she shares what she's learned about how to "smile and wave" when the waves are crashing (again and again). Be sure to follow me on Instagram for this LIVE >>HERE<<.

What is Emotional Flooding and How to Navigate (FREE Live online Workshop: 4/9 at 12PM EST) Have you ever wondered why certain topics turn into emotional storms with your spouse? Or perhaps you find yourself overwhelmed, struggling to process emotions in a healthy way? You're not alone.

You are invited to join me for a life-changing online workshop on Emotional Flooding, where we'll explore:

🔍 What Emotional Flooding is and its impact on relationships

🤔 Understanding triggers and reactions

💡 Strategies for navigating emotional flooding, whether you're experiencing it or supporting someone who is

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools to navigate through emotional floods with grace and resilience. If you struggle with communication going south with your spouse, you don't want to miss this! Register now! RSVP >>HERE<<. Seats are limited so be sure to sign up!

Group Coaching with Heather: If you are interested in learning and growing along other women, this is for YOU! Join and experiencing this safe and secure and uplifting community - click >>Here>> to get on the wait list for the next small group.

As always, please respond to this email with any questions or comments. I am here to serve you!



Want to jump into more help? Here are just a few of the ways I can help you:

Grab this MUST HAVE micro course - How to Sit With Your Feelings: https://reframingrelationships.com/microcourse

Grab 10 Habits of Emotionally Healthy Stepmoms: https://reframingrelationships.com/store-copy this online course is your go-to for identifying and developing healthy habits
