Are You Ready to Be Guided Through YOUR Toughest Conversations?

Apr 12, 2024 9:39 pm

Do you tip toe around certain topics with your spouse?

Are you exhausted trying to problem solve when it comes to certain topics like the kids or his ex?

Does it seem that no matter how you say it or what you say, it gets turned back on you?


Have you been at this stepmom "gig" a while and it's not getting any easier (like they said it would)?

If you answered yes, you are not alone. I hear you and I am HERE for you!

I listen and I've heard you say "I wish I could take you with me to my stress filled event" and "Oh, how I love processing with you in coaching, if only I could process right after a difficult conversation."

Now you can!

Introducing a brand new offer - 4 week ARK Mentoring program.

Yes! I've created an innovate IRL coaching program to help stepmoms who walk on eggshells in regards to conversations with their spouse (and/or stepkids) to have the opportunity to talk to me in real time and get real guidance on demand.

That's right. Consider me your pocket coach for the month of May. During one of the toughest months, you get group and individual coaching on demand.

Only 12 seats in this program. Grab your seat today!

I could go on and on about the benefits but it's email, you don't want to keep reading. Click the link to find out what this mentoring is all about.

Read about the crazy low price (hey, it's my first time offering - I'm giving my first "class" a cheap entry point with super rich content and access to me. It will never be this cheap again.)

The big benefit is the ability to put your learning into action and process with me in REAL TIME. Yep, you get to work through your feelings with me, your conversations, work on setting boundaries and more.....)

I'm gonna run so you can hop on the link above and sign up!

Can't wait to work with you and to help you in real time. Really. The entire month of May!

Let's go!

If you want to watch the replay of the workshop - click here! Such good info for you!

Cheering you on and looking forward to walking with you! Stop ruminating and start processing with me!


