Goodness-of-Fit Test

 The chi-square test is a statistical test commonly used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected and observed frequencies in a categorical data set. It is a goodness-of-fit test, which means that it is used to asse...

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Dec 22, 2022
Analysis of Contingency Tables

 A contingency table is a tool used to summarize and analyze the relationship between two categorical variables. It is a type of cross-tabulation that displays the frequencies or counts of the combinations of categories for the two variables. To crea...

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Dec 22, 2022
F-Test for Equality of Two Variances

 The F Test for Equality of Variances between two groups is a statistical test used to compare the variances of two samples to determine whether they are equal. It is based on the assumption that the samples are drawn from normally distributed popula...

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Dec 22, 2022
One Sample Variance Test (Chi-square)

 The Chi-Square Test for One Variance is a statistical test used to compare the variance of a sample to a known population variance. It is used to test a hypothesis about the population variance and is based on the assumption that the sample is drawn...

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Dec 21, 2022
Paired t-Test (Dependent Samples)

 Paired t-Test A paired t-test is a statistical test used to compare the means of two related samples or matched pairs. It is used to test a hypothesis about the difference between the means of the two samples. It is based on the assumption that the...

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Dec 21, 2022
Two Sample t Test (Independent Samples)

 A two-sample t-test is a statistical test used to compare the means of two different samples to determine if there is a significant difference between them. It is based on the assumption that the samples are drawn from populations with normal distri...

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Dec 21, 2022
One Proportion Z Test

 A one-proportion z-test is a statistical test used to compare the proportion of a sample to a known population proportion. It is used to test a hypothesis about the population proportion and is based on the assumption that the sample is drawn from a...

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Dec 21, 2022