What is a lead magnet? + 9 examples

When my partner decided to quit his job and start an architecture consultancy, we knew it would be an uphill battle. To begin building a client base, we decided to focus our efforts on email marketing—a proven channel that would give us plenty of fle...

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Sep 16, 2024
The best screen recording software in 2024

Show, don't tell. It's simple enough advice, and screen recording software makes it easier to follow.5 things you should automate todayStart automatingScreen capture apps record what's happening on your screen, including the movement of your cursor,...

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Sep 13, 2024
5 ways to automate Harvest with Zapier

When it comes to projects and getting your best work done, a lot of teams rely heavily on project management tools to track tasks. The only problem? They don't tell you where and when you're at your most productive. A time-tracking tool like Harvest...

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Sep 13, 2024
Use interactive content to attract leads with Outgrow

Potential customers may not see the value your business offers if you just tell them about it. How do you even know you're talking about the right topics in your sales and marketing? Outgrow is a platform that lets you "show" instead of "tell." You c...

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Sep 13, 2024
9 Any.do features that simplify task management

I'm a task-juggling freelancer who's never really been sweet on task management. Sticky notes always covered my desk, and my whiteboards were crammed with scribbles. But as my to-do list grew, so did my need for a better system. That's when I stumble...

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Sep 13, 2024
8 Spark email features to help tame your inbox

I used to dread opening my inbox. Despite my attempts to create an organized system using the rest of the world's tried-and-true methods—folders, labels, and filters—none of them worked for me. Let AI write your business emailsLearn howI was ready to...

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Sep 13, 2024
The 5 sales forecasting spreadsheets you really need

Showing up to a sales meeting without a revenue target is like going to sea (whatever that means) without knowing your destination port. Whether you're on a boat or in a boardroom, you need something to aim for. Nautical analogies aside, accurate sal...

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Sep 13, 2024
How to calculate time differences in Excel

I have a confession: I don't really understand Mountain Time, and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask. I tend just to ask remote coworkers what time it is there—every single time I see them. (Denver team, if you're reading this: I'm very sorry.) Unf...

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Sep 13, 2024
How to automate employee onboarding and offboarding

Too busy onboarding and offboarding employees to focus on other business-critical processes? Whether you're in HR or IT, it's your job to make sure new employees have the tools they need to kick-start their careers—and to wrap up when they leave. Cus...

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Sep 12, 2024