Head Above Troubled Waters Kenji Burrows, seeking refuge in her hometown of Venture Georgia, discovers that her past refuses to stay...
Good afternoon. I pen this post with a few hmmms, and well... then I came to the conclusion, it just doesn't work. Okay, let me back up....
n a small house on Lake Winnisquam, Evan and Leta share a wedding night dessert of Maple Sundaes and Cider Donuts, savoring the flavors...
Blind Spot is on Audio Baby!!! Listen Here! Blind Spot is on Audio!!! Get it https://amzn.to/45eD71d from @rbmediaco #technicians#mrslow...
Free BOOKs!!!! #ILIKEFREEBOOKS IS NOW LIVE!!! AUGUST 4-6. These are free books that do not need to be returned and there are 200 or more...
All of the below pieces were either found at a thrift store, yard sale, flea market, or it was a piece that they previously owned. A can...
I'm going to put all this yummy into one month and we are going to have a blast!!!!! August is going to sizzle with these reads. Vanity’s...
10 journal prompts to start your day What are you grateful for in your life right now? What is one thing you want to accomplish today?...
Writing a novel requires a combination of creativity, discipline, and patience. To begin, brainstorm ideas and develop a plot that will...