006: The 5 am Challenge

In this episode I talk about the 5 things I learned from waking up at 5 am for a week. I also challenge you with implementing the knowledge I drop to make you more efficient and productive and give you back your afternoons to enjoy life. I give you m...

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Jan 24, 2017
005: Jason Fried - Robots, watches and not sweating

In this episode of Noah Kagan Presents I get the chance to sit down with Basecamp co-founder and CEO Jason Fried before "The Basecamp Way To Work" event at their office in Chicago. I ask all the juicy questions no one has asked him before such as how...

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Jan 19, 2017
003: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Recall - Deep Dive

In this episode of Noah Kagan Presents I do a deep dive on the book Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger. I highlight the best take-aways and save you the time of reading the whole book. There are 12 key points Arnold lays out for his path to succes...

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Jan 17, 2017
002: Creating a physical product [case study]

Dustin Lien is a reader turned friend who is experimenting with a new business called Fit Fly Shaker that I helped fund. This episode of Noah Kagan Presents is the first episode in a series where we'll follow Dustin's business journey and learn about...

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Jan 17, 2017
000: The Beginning

This is the first episode welcoming me to your ear lobes. We do a quick challenge and get ready for an awesome 2017 season.

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Dec 17, 2016