News You Can UsefromMelissa Sornik, LCSW PLLC, A Family-Centered Practice Supporting Gifted and 2e Children Growing Up Alongside a Sibling With a DisabilityNot long after my mother learned that my brother, David, was autistic, she began wha...
When They Are Struggling to Succeed: Understanding How a 504 Plan Can Support Your Gifted/Twice Exceptional K-12th Grade StudentTuesday, December 5, 7:00 - 8:30 pm EasternWith Miriam Nunberg, Esq.Attend at our NYC Office or on Zoom122 West 26th Stree...
Introducing Our New Speaker Series Hosted by Melissa Sornik, LCSW PLLCThe practice is pleased to announce its new speaker series. Starting in December 2023, we will be hosting monthly talks. Topics will be relevant to our community of gifted and twic...
Announcing a new program for gifted, twice exceptional and bright creators ages 5 - 17. Located at 122 West 26th Street in Manhattan’s Chelsea/Flatiron District (and just minutes from subways and Penn Station), the Collaborative Creativity Lab N...
Social Cognition Skill Building through Mentor-Supported Talent DevelopmentFALL 2023– SPRING 2024Talent Development Connection’s (TDC) Collaborative Creativity Lab (CCL) returns this fall with opportunities for social cognition skill building through...

Notes from the Practical Parent, K.P.D.Is it possible to love being a parent while feeling totally tired of being a parent? Actually, I know the answer to that and it’s exactly where I’m at right now. I’m in my 27th year of parenting two twice except...
By Miriam A. Nunberg, Esq.As a parent advocate working in New York City, parents frequently tell me “My child was denied an IEP because her grades are too high.” Full stop. At least in the New York City public schools, there seems to be an across the...