,Happy new week.Tell me, how is the course going so far?Are you having a good learning experience?What are your major challenges so far? Please tell me?Remember to mark the check box once done with a lesson. Note that submission of quizzes and case s...
,Weekends can be tough. But never forget why you are on this journey.You chose you! And that is everything!Keep your eyes on the goal this weekend. Drink up your water. Get in extra sleep hours. Do something relaxing. Keep to your plan. This journey...
Dear ,Today I want to say thank you. Ten years ago, I took on my very first health coaching clients. They trusted me, just as you did to be their health coach. , I do not take it for granted. Thank you for being awesome. Thank you for your support. T...
Hello ,Happy new week!Module 5 is up! Keep learning !!What is your major challenge so far?Share with me.Get learning!Regards,Dr Chinasa
Hello ,How is your learning going so far?The replay of the 1st live session is up in THE VAULT. Scroll down to the section after module 8 to access it. Remember... You are a change maker. You are making a difference. Keep putting in your best.If yo...
Evidence based benefits of Intermittent fasting include:Cellular repairaids weight lossHelps in sugar controlAids Blood pressure controlreduces inflammationimproves memoryAh! , then why are you not fasting???OMG! Excuse my manners...How are you doing...
Dear ,There are 3 ways to influence people in your health coaching business. 1) By talking about how good you are2) By getting others to talk about how good you are3) By demonstrating how good you actually are.In selling and marking your health coach...
Halloooo ,Long time!!!I noticed you missed my last email.Happy new week to you!Can you believe the year is already almost over? Phew!!!How are your health goals coming through?Or wait oh....shei you still have health goals right?So just wanted to che...
Hello ,Happy new week!Module 4 is up! Keep learning !!Remember, this is sacrifice for a better you. You know right?Get learning!Regards,Dr Chinasa
Dear ,Its time. You may start logging in. Register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucuyoqzwpGtaXFx6f2_DTmBxDay5P9X2i I'm waiting for you.See you. Dr Chinasa