{{contact.first_name}} Have you heard?

Jun 24, 2021 2:01 pm


How have you been?

Staying healthy? (You know I will ask that)


I don’t know if you heard of our upcoming fasting challenge. It is a medically supervised fasting challenge with the goal to teach you a pattern of eating for life time. Yes, you can apply intermittent fasting for the rest of your life. 

Let me teach you to do it right for future benefits.  We begin on Monday the 28th, so you can click HERE to sign up or just WhatsApp me on +2349022713581 OR +2349122400623.


No pressures. Even if you do not want to sign up… Please remain intentionally healthy ok. Ensure you take in your fruits and vegetables daily. You are always safe with that food group. Drink up your water, That is the best fluid ever! And be intentional with moving ok?

If you do want to sign up, just click HERE.


As always, I wish you the best of health. The very best!


Warmest Regards,

Dr Chinasa
