{{contact.first_name}}, You may want to read this.
Oct 08, 2021 1:01 pm
Can you believe it is 8th of October already??
Wow!! Time is definitely flying by. How have you been since my last email to you ?
Life? Family? Friends?
Its amazing how we can not control so much around us...but somehow...we can have a little grip on our health...or don't you think so?
How are you doing in that angle? Healthwise, i mean?
Let me quickly chip in here that our October medically supervised fasting challenge starts on Monday the 11th. Will you like to join us? Click HERE to sign up right away or just whatsapp me on +2349122400623. So I lock you in.
Stay intentional . Live intentionally. Just do your best ok.
I am always rooting for you ! Always!
Hugs and Smoothies,
Dr Chinasa
p.s: I love you