It's here again {{contact.first_name}}

May 26, 2022 11:01 am

Phewww!!! Can you believe we are almost half way through 2022. How has this year been for you?

Really? How are you ?

For me, I have been intentionally staying off the news because every time I listen to the news, it seem bad things are happening in one part of the world.

So When I have to, i brace myself up for the news...then I go off news media to recover.

It is important to always find a way to balance and cope with the ever turning tides of life. , you and I almost can not control the happenings going on around the world. One thing we can do however... is to look out for ourselves and our loved ones and keep saying lots of prayers...if you believe in it.

Another thing you can do, improve your health. So that as this tough season filters by, we will come out healthier...

What do you think?

Our fasting challenge is always a great place to start .You can transform your health with your lifestyle. This fasting challenge is an act of self love. We start May 30th.

Are you ready to be chose you? Yes...chose you over and over...?

Then click HERE to join us or WhatsApp +2349122400623 or +2349022713581.

, whether you want to reach peak health status, get out of pain, lose weight, control your BP, blood sugar, or fall in love with your life again, I promise you’ll love to be on this program.

The only request I have is...Do not quit on me!

Click HERE to join me

We start May 30th.

Speak soon.

Much Love and Grilled plantains,

Dr Chinasa
