Nov 25, 2021 5:33 pm


How are is your studies going?

I am sure you must have seen final assessment link is up.

Please click the final assessment tab in your school area, to access it.

Copy the link specified in the comment box and paste on your browser.

When the page loads open, input your email (the email address used to register for the course) and input password.

The password is Healthcoach (note it is a capital H and the 2 words are joined together)

Ensure you put your name as you will want it to appear on your certificate.

Then start test.

Note that once the timer starts counting, it is counted as one attempt. So start only when you are ready.

Upon attaining pass mark (60%), you can not reattempt test. You will get the option to automatically download your certificate. Please do so.

However, if you do not attain the pass mark on first attempt, you will have 2 more attempts.

If you have any concerns, please reply to this email.

I wish you the best of luck

Yours in all things healthy,

Dr Chinasa.

p.s: Please disregard if you have taken the test already
