{{contact.first_name}}, STOP COPYING!!!!!
May 26, 2022 7:01 am
Coach !!
Yes I mean it! Stop copying!
Ok...let me stop screaming.
hehehehe...did I get your attention?
One way to thrive as a health coach is to stick to your authentic voice. Find YOUR OWN voice and use it. Do not try to be like me, do not try to me like Leon or like Nichole... Be you !!
You can gain inspiration from people...Just dont sound like them. When you draw inspiration from someone, convert it into your own. Do you get?
See eh, you can make a living from health coaching, but first you need to position your self out there.(if you do not open your shop, how do you plan to sell?) As you grow, you will find places in your practice that need some expert touch... find someone that knows and learn.
Have you heard the saying INNOVATE OR DIE? Oh yes...it is real...
But you can innovate if you have an authentic voice...if not, you will fall right back into sounding like someone else on your timeline.
The world needs you Coach !
Do not sit with your gift under a rock. Use this gift to change your community.
Health coaching starts with you...
Then your family...
Then your friends....
Then others....
I want to share your success story . You are destined for greatness Coach !
Do not be your own limitation!
Never say you can't!
Stay Original! Stay Authentic! Be You!
As always, you know that I am rooting for you. Always.
Never forget that Coach .
Much love and baked been cake,
Dr Chinasa.