"... you must view problems as a positive. Problems show areas of necessary growth. If you are not having any problems or challenges, chances are you are setting your goals too low." (Troy Bassham, Attainment - The 12 Elements of Elite Performance)
Side by side comparison of the Steyr LP50 five and one shot magazines.⠀ #steyr #lp50 #rapidfirepistol #fiveshotairpistol #issfpistol
"The essence of coaching is teaching and motivating" (Claudio Robazza, 2017 ISSF TA C Course - Sports Science.pdf)
"Seeking to understand the perspective of the athlete comes before attempting to offer a solution to a problem, or give advice, opinions, or criticism." (Claudio Robazza, 2017 ISSF TA C Course - Sports Science.pdf)
"The probability of achieving the outcome you want increases when you let go of the need to have it." (Gary Mack and David Casstevens, Mind Gym)
"So what? Next" shot! (Ken Ravizza)
"Adversity is the fertilizer of growth." (Dr. Ken Ravizza)
"limit the number of goals set, especially initially" (Claudio Robazza, 2017 ISSF TA C Course - Sports Science.pdf)
Will I see you at ISCH (International Shooting Competitions of Hannover)? :)
"Those in positive moods demonstrated increased activity in a region of the brain that is associated with decision making and emotional control. This region of the brain is also integral to problem solving" (Brad Stulberg, Steve Magness, Peak Performance)
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