managing screen time for children

Dear momIn today's digital age, managing screen time for children can be a challenging task. As a parenting coach, I'm here to guide you toward a balanced approach that fosters healthy development. Is your family struggling to find the righ...

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Sep 02, 2023
R u a Young mother with kids not lsitening to You

Hey there,: Calling All Young Moms: Unleash Your Kids' Genius Potential!If you're a young mom dealing with energetic and sometimes mischievous kids, this message is tailor-made for you. I'm Dr. P.T. Sunderam, a respected parenting mentor from India,...

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Aug 17, 2023
R u a Young mother with kids not lsitetign to You

Hey there,: Calling All Young Moms: Unleash Your Kids' Genius Potential!If you're a young mom dealing with energetic and sometimes mischievous kids, this message is tailor-made for you. I'm Dr. P.T. Sunderam, a respected parenting mentor from India,...

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Aug 12, 2023
Transprency in Realtionship how ?

Hi young mummy why your partner is not transparent with you ?I was going through your filled in google from, one of the top most pain pioint of my young mother like you is "  why my partner is not transparent with me ?" i can understand y...

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Oct 26, 2022
GMRT ( God mother Reparenting Technology ) Mastery

Hey friends Today I uploaded a welcome Video on my youtube channel where I will be sharing with YOU  " A Complete process To Reparent your emotional scars of your past through 2 days ( 2hrs+ 2hrs) of GMRT mastery course w...

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Oct 14, 2022