managing screen time for children

Sep 02, 2023 10:55 am

Dear mom

In today's digital age, managing screen time for children can be a challenging task. As a parenting coach, I'm here to guide you toward a balanced approach that fosters healthy development.

 Is your family struggling to find the right balance between screen time and other activities? Let's embark on a journey to empower your kids while minimizing excessive screen time.

* I recently had the privilege of working with a parent who faced similar challenges. Together, we devised strategies to reduce screen time and introduce enriching activities that stimulated their child's creativity and social skills.

 If you're eager to explore these practical strategies and witness the positive changes they can bring to your family, I encourage you to watch the video I've prepared. In it, I share valuable insights and actionable tips to create a screen time plan that aligns with your family's values.

Let's empower your family to make mindful choices and prioritize meaningful connections.

With warmth and support,

Dr P T sunderam

Asiatop1% parenting 3.0 coach

Parenting Coach
