: Unlocking a Brighter Future: Minimizing Screen Time for Your Little Ones

Sep 02, 2023 12:03 pm

Dear Mom,


As a parenting coach, I understand the concerns many parents have about screen time and its impact on children's development.

I want to share a valuable strategy that can help you create a healthy balance.

Are you worried about the amount of screen time your child is getting?

Let's take a journey together to minimize screen time and foster real-world connections.


Recently, I worked with a parent who was facing similar concerns.

Together, we explored ways to reduce screen time and provide alternative activities that not only engaged their child but also nurtured their development.


If you're interested in learning the strategies we implemented and the positive changes we witnessed,

I invite you to click the link below. In this video, I discuss practical steps and offer tips to minimize screen time while maximizing meaningful interactions with your children.




Let's work together to create a brighter future for your little ones!


Warm regards,

Dr. P.T. Sunderam

Asia’s Top 1% Parenting 3.0 Coach

25 years with 250000 Young Parenting Journey

