Fostering Love: Understanding Your Child's Heart

Dear ,In our journey as parents, one of the most profound things we can do is understand and speak our child's love language. Picture this: when little Aryan rushes home, eager to share his day, his eyes sparkle with anticipation. It's in these momen...

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Mar 08, 2024
5 Gentle approaches to deal with child's dishonesty

Dear Parents,Caught your child bending the truth? Here are five gentle approaches:1. Stay calm: Reacting with anger can make them fearful.2. Understand why: Talk calmly to understand their reasons.3. Explain honesty: Teach the value of truthfulness w...

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Mar 06, 2024
Encouraging Creativity in Kids

Dear Parents,Let's talk about how we nurture kids' creativity. When we limit their ideas to a box, it's tough for them to think beyond it. Instead, let's inspire them to explore outside those boundaries.By encouraging curiosity and diverse perspectiv...

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Mar 04, 2024
Importance of Unconditional Love for Our Children

Dear Parents,Our love for our kids shouldn't be based on what they do or achieve. When we make our affection conditional on their behaviour, it can make them feel insecure. They might think they're only lovable when they do certain things. It's impor...

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Feb 27, 2024
Stop Saying "You're so SMART" to your child

Dear ,I hope you're well! I've noticed that we often tell our child how smart they are. However, recent studies suggest this might not be the best approach.It could make them think they can't improve or learn new things.Instead, we could focus on pra...

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Feb 21, 2024
Helping kids feel prepared, Not Scared

Dear ,Getting lost can be scary for kids, but we can empower them without instilling fear. Let's role-play scenarios where they're separated from us and discuss their actions.This practice helps them develop problem-solving skills and confidence.By g...

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Feb 19, 2024
Voice of Confidence: How you Can Shape Fearless Talkers

Hi ,Ever wondered how to nurture your child's speaking skills?Let's dive in! We're here to share simple, practical tips to boost your little one's confidence in communication. Encourage open communicationListen attentivelyGet on their level Keep...

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Feb 16, 2024
4 Easy ways to handle complaints about your Child

Dear ,Have you ever received complaints from other parents about your childWhen you receive such kind of complaints, you have to follow these easy steps to handle may behave differently when they are in different environment so be open to hea...

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Feb 09, 2024