day 59

Hello, Productive .Establish strategies for managing and minimizing interruptions, such as setting specific "quiet hours" or using tools to block out distractions.When I want absolute silence, I work in my offcie with my door locked. Yes, that’s the...

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Feb 26, 2024
day 58

Hello, Productive .Visualize yourself successfully completing tasks and achieving your goals to boost motivation and focus.As an NLP practitioner, I was taught how to use my five senses to visualize my dream goals coming true.It’s exciting when you i...

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Feb 23, 2024
day 57

Hello, Productive .Spend 10 minutes engaging in a hobby you love, such as drawing, knitting, painting, or dancing.I discovered, some years ago that I enjoy painting, hence I hired a creativity coach who taught me the steps. I have since painted more...

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Feb 22, 2024
day 56

Hello, Productive .Dedicate 10 minutes to learn a new word, fact, or skill online.When you learn new things, your brain creates new brain cells which create a healthy brain. Neurologists say that learning a new skill changes the physical structu...

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Feb 21, 2024
How can I be of service to you, {{contact.first_name}}?

Peace be upon you, !I did something new this morning, . I wouldn't want to make it a daily thing, of course. Maybe once in a while because my plate is already full! 😃Hubby is a Builder/Farmer who rears different animals. They include hens, cocks, pi...

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Feb 20, 2024
day 55

Hello, Productive .Spend 10 minutes brainstorming ideas for a project, blog post, or creative endeavor. This will go a long way.As a Book coach, the first step I usually take my clients through is to brainstorm on their book or project. The dumping h...

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Feb 20, 2024