How To Write Your Book Without A Block, {{contact.first_name}}

Feb 21, 2024 6:08 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

There’s ONE thing that you must get ready before you jump into writing your book if you want to write your first draft in just weeks.

What is that ONE thing?

Creating your book’s OUTLINE.

Here’s how to create your outline.

  • Brain dump all that you want to include in your book.

  • Turn your brain dumping into a list of the different elements your book would contain in chronological order. 

  • Turn each list into a chapter and write one or two sentences about the topic to be discussed therein. 

Why have an outline?

  • To capture your book idea in one place for ease of reference when writing.

  • To help you focus on the topics you’re writing on and not write off topic.

  • To guide you on what’s next to make your writing time productive.

  • To ensure that your book flows into one another to deliver the promised transformation to your reader.

Did you create your outline before writing your previous book?

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: I've opened my calendar for one person to fill the space to work with me one-on-one on her book project on the Birth Your Book program. Are you going to be the person?

Reply to this email to kickstart the process.
