Are You In?!

Peace be upon you, I sent an email out yesterday about a webinar I shall be hosting in my community, Published Coaches & Consultants Network coming Friday this week.It's all about how to work less to achieve more.I used to struggle with my tasks...

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Jan 23, 2023
A Special One!

Peace be upon you, It’s a great weekend here in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.How are you enjoying your last day of the weekend? I hope great.For me, after a strategy and hot seat session yesterday evening with my coach, I’m fired up to begin th...

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Jan 22, 2023
Peace be onto you!

This is a new email service provider that I'm trying. It's called Sendfox.I'm so excited about using this ESP because I'm raising the bar with respect to sending you easy to read and digest emails.This is a test to know how you like it.Let me know yo...

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Jan 08, 2023
Peace be onto you!

This is a new email service provider that I'm trying. It's called Sendfox.I'm so excited about using this ESP because I'm raising the bar with respect to sending you easy to read and digest emails.This is a test to know how you like it.Let me know yo...

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Jan 05, 2023