The resource page

Sometimes we need to hear something that inspires us, while at times, we want to indulge in a good read. And then there are times when we still have a little extra time to watch that video and make notes.As a valued member of G&A, here are the...

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Oct 05, 2022
The choices I made

No, you are not good with math, and hence can never ever make it to the top institutes. No one has ever done business in our family, on what basis do you think you want to be an entrepreneur?No, you just can't! These are not dialogue, from a yes...

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Sep 28, 2022
Having Tea with our inner Demons

Oftentimes in our life , when we encounter difficult people, situations, or emotions, our best response is to first find a way out of doing so, we say an immediate "No" to the situation and busy ourselves with finding a solution that can take u...

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Sep 21, 2022
Stories ,we are all part of

Our respective lives are a bundle of many experiences coming together.and this extends to our careers and professions, sometimes of our choosing and often times not out of our choice. Every experience is a story in itself, which also holds scope fo...

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Sep 15, 2022
A common error can cost you a lot

This story is from a real life experience of a person, who I had coached for several months ,and what you will be reading is just a tiny part of a huge problem he was caught up in.Read the blog post here

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Aug 17, 2022
A question that brought many answers

When I first started my Coaching business , way back in September of 2017, I was least prepared to run it ,and amidst the many challenges it threw ,the financial part was the most difficult for me to handle.On a dull winter day, while I sat down to r...

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Jul 26, 2022