Dear ,Meet Vijay (name changed for confidentiality reasons), a seasoned marketing professional in the financial services industry with 21 years of experience. Struggling with issues at work, dissatisfaction, and a diminishing confidence level, Vijay...

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Feb 06, 2024
Please confirm your subscription

Dear , We thank you for being part of our FREE newsletter listing and we value your membership. However, we notice that your membership has been inactive because either you have not accessed our mailers for sometime or may have not confirme...

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Feb 01, 2024
Unique Tips For Career Growth

Dear ,Hi Friends! Am honoured and humbled to have been interviewed by a UK based podcast. Thanks to each one of you for the learning that I gain while interacting with you either 1:1 or through the social media platforms. Am happy to add value to you...

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Jan 30, 2024
Navigating A Challenging Boss: Your Path To Growth

Dear ,Have you ever found yourself grappling with a difficult boss? If you have, you understand the trials that come with such a situation. However, rather than viewing it as a setback, it's an opportunity for growth. Remember that there is a seed of...

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Jan 09, 2024