Are You The ‘Know-It-All’ Kind Of A Leader?

Dear ,Are you the type of leader who revels in being the go-to person, the all-knowing sage who swoops in to solve every problem that crosses your team's path? It's a tempting position to be in, isn't it? The one who holds all the answers, the solver...

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Sep 27, 2023
3 Tips To Navigate Office Politics

Dear ,In the ever-evolving landscape of the corporate world, office politics often emerges as a important element (necessary evil if we may call it).It's a game where the stakes are high, and the rules aren't always crystal clear. So, how can yo...

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Sep 20, 2023
No Leader Should Ever Do This !

Dear ,In the fast-paced world of modern work, the way leaders interact with their teams can make all the difference between a thriving, motivated workforce and a disengaged one. Let me share a recent incident which a professional who I coached s...

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Sep 12, 2023
First 2 Modules Of My Course offered FREE

Dear ,I am happy to share with you that we are offering the FIRST 2 modules of my online video course: Complete Job Search & Interview Strategy absolutely FREE as a preview starting from this Teacher’s day 5th Sept 23. These 2 modules will give a...

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Sep 05, 2023

Dear ,At times you may get an opportunity to take up a leadership role but you may not be sure whether you are ready for it or not?Take my FREE Leadership Assessment Quiz to know where you stand. Click link for the quiz:

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Aug 23, 2023