Your Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Coach

Sep 07, 2023 12:01 pm


Hey there,

Are you ready to take charge of your life and tackle the challenges that come with being an overwhelmed, stressed-out ADHD millennial? As someone who understands your struggles all too well, I'm here to offer some invaluable insights.

I know how difficult it can be when you're searching for that perfect (and affordable!) coach. You want someone who gets what it's like navigating through issues. That's why I've put together five crucial questions for interviewing potential coaches - just for you!

But wait! Before we dive into these game-changing tips (you won't want to miss them), I have something special in store for you. Consider this my gift as a fellow ADHD millennial making their mark on the world.

Click Here for Your Coach Interview Sheet

Click the button above right now to access our free resource packed with even more expert advice tailored specifically towards individuals experiencing similar challenges as yourself. Trust me; this information is gold dust when it comes to finding success while managing your time effectively and shedding those overwhelming feelings of burnout.

Now let's get back on track! Here are five must-ask questions designed especially for choosing the perfect coach:

1️⃣ How do they understand YOUR unique circumstances?

2️⃣ What strategies or techniques do they use when helping clients?

3️⃣ What is their usual availability and scheduling process?

4️⃣ Have they worked successfully with others struggling with similar challenges such as yours?

5️⃣ Can they provide references from previous clients who experienced significant breakthroughs?

By asking these poignant questions during interviews with prospective coaches, not only will you gain insight into whether each candidate truly "gets" where you're coming from but also if their approach aligns perfectly with your goals.

Feeling empowered yet? That's the whole idea!

And if you want even more tips, tricks, and a supportive community to share your journey with other like-minded individuals facing similar challenges, I have just the thing for you.

Click Here to Join Our Facebook Group!

It's a safe space filled with encouragement and shared experiences.

Remember, my ultimate goal is to help YOU empower yourself by providing practical tools that make managing life as an ADHD millennial easier than ever before. Let go of those nagging doubts and take control of your future!

Wishing you all the success in finding that perfect-for-you coach who will guide you towards reclaiming your time and conquering burnout once and for all.


Laken Litton

