Happy Monday! ✨🚀

Aug 21, 2023 1:01 pm


Hey there,

Happy Monday, my fellow ADHD millennial warriors! Are you ready to kick-start this week with a boost of productivity? I hope so because we have something exciting lined up just for you.

This week, we're diving deep into the world of stimming. Yup, that thing most people associate with quirky behavior but don't quite understand its magic when it comes to boosting our focus and emotional well-being. Intrigued? You should be!

Stimming is not just a strange habit; it can actually help us overcome overwhelm, overachievement tendencies (oh hello perfectionism!), and those pesky feelings associated with rejection-sensitive dysphoria. Pretty neat stuff if you ask me!

Throughout the next few days, we'll explore what exactly stimming entails: from defining what it means for us as ADHDers fighting burnout and juggling life's challenges late in diagnosis – all while managing trauma or PTSD along the way.

But hey, knowledge alone won't make your coffee taste better or turn Mondays into Fridays magically... fear not! We will also discuss how to harness these wonderful self-stimulating techniques effectively—so they work wonders in YOUR life too.

Oh yes indeed—I'm going personal on this one! In addition to sharing tried-and-true methods that may resonate deeply within our community, I’ll reveal some secret gems from my own arsenal. After all—we’re here together on this journey towards organization, balance, and pain-free living 💪🌟 

So buckle up—it’s gonna be an awesome ride full of ah-ha moments—and who knows, maybe even sparkles. ✨ Thinking caps at hand?

Stay tuned throughout the week as I unravel secrets about stimming -how it works best FOR US - kicking off tomorrow already!!

Yours cheerfully,

Laken Litton

ADHD Millennial Coaching

P.S. Need a dose of instant inspiration? Book a call with me to discover more tips on time management, project organization, and advocating for yourself in the face of adversity. Remember – you are not alone on this incredible journey! 😊

Click here to schedule a call:

Let's Boost My ADHD Game Now!

