Happy Monday! ✨🚀

Jul 24, 2023 12:01 pm


Hey there ,

Let me ask you something - have you ever felt like your brain is wired a little differently than everyone else's? Like maybe the whole world operates on one frequency, but yours has its own unique rhythm?

If so, I've got news for you. You're not alone.

And if we're going to talk about embracing our quirks and superpowers as late-diagnosed ADHD millennial women with connective tissue disorders, c-PTSD, trauma (past or present), perfectionism tendencies and rejection-sensitive dysphoria... well then buckle up because this week's email is right up your alley!

We'll be diving headfirst into the wild seas of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) where shame spirals are held at bay with humor-powered life vests. Yep! We'll explore how RSD dances cheekily through our daily lives while wreaking havoc on everything from relationships to work projects.

But don't worry – it’s time to tame that spiral once and for all! Together, we’ll discover strategies tailored just for us overwhelmed overachievers who often find ourselves caught in these whirlpools of self-doubt.

From shedding burnout like an old coat that no longer serves us; saying goodbye guilt trips graciously without turning back; navigating those tricky waters of past traumas & managing PTSD…to ultimately finding organization amidst chaos AND learning how best advocate for ourselves along the way — yes my friend—we will cover it all!

Are you ready to embrace what makes YOU awesome? To turn overwhelm into opportunity? If so...

Book a discovery call here >>>

Click Here to Stop Shame Spirals in their Tracks!

On this exciting call together 👯‍♀️📞

✨ We'll discuss YOUR specific challenges,

✨ I’ll share some useful tips crafted just-for-you, and

✨ We'll explore if working together is the perfect fit!

So here's your chance to take back control of that beautifully unique brain 🧠

Remember, there's no need for shame spirals when you've got a community cheering you on. I can’t wait to meet an awesome powerhouse like yourself.

Sending all my energy-filled fireworks (and plenty of laughs) your way,

Laken Litton

ADHD Millennial Coaching 😄

Your Partners in Embracing Infinite Possibilities

