Happy Monday! ✨🚀

Aug 28, 2023 12:01 pm


Hey there, fabulous gang of go-getters!

Just popping into your inbox to share some news. I'm hitting the pause button for this week and taking some much-needed R&R. Burnout has been knocking on my door, so it's time to show it who's boss! 💪

But fear not! I'll be back next week with extra awesomeness in store. Expect top-notch content that will make your brain do a happy dance 🎉 while helping you navigate those overwhelming moments.

Now, let me spill the tea (or coffee) about what we're going to conquer when I return:

1️⃣ Overcoming burnout like an absolute superhero

2️⃣ Managing trauma and PTSD because life throws curveballs sometimes

3️⃣ Swapping shame and guilt for self-care strategies that actually work (*mic drop*)

I know firsthand how challenging it can be juggling all these things; deadlines looming overhead like dark clouds ready to rain on our productivity parade are no joke.

That’s why ADHD Millennial Coaching is here—your trusty sidekick offering coaching magic tailor-made just for passionate souls like yourself. Together, we'll smash through perfectionism walls 👊 and create solid boundaries without feeling guilty about them.

Oh, did you think pain management was off-limits? Not with us around! Alongside everything else mentioned above comes priceless tips from yours truly on managing strains both physical ⚡and mental ☁️ because let's face it—we've got enough battles already 👩‍🔬💼💥

So hang tight until next week rolls in - take a moment this week or whenever suits your fancy − give yourself permission to relax too—you deserve every ounce of happiness coming your way 😉

Keep rocking,

Laken Litton

P.S.: If you hear someone singing "Eye of the Tiger" randomly throughout your week, don't be alarmed. It's just me mentally preparing for our triumphant return! 🎶💪

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