The even pages…they’re a surprise. I have to turn one over to get there. Each morning I wake up at 5123, I read a daily note. Different than (the old) Sunday Note from MGM that I used to write, these...
A baseball has 108 stitches. In order for a baseball to fulfill it’s purpose, it needs to be thrown, be hit, be caught, and be thrown again. In a cycle that repeats, this is the game a baseball was designed...
When was the last time you asked, "Where did the time go?" Each day, 1,440 minutes go by; only later can we ask ourselves if we used them well, managed them poorly, or should have done something different. Asking where...
I’m concerned about something I’m hearing a lot more from my peers, my friends, and my coaching clients. In an almost habitual way, some people around me are bypassing “reality” and leaping forward, toward a future I’m afraid will surprise...
Are you in a position to help someone “see an unclear future?” If so, this article in HBR could be one you print out and study… here’s an excerpt: If Your Future Is Blurry, Focus on the Good Work Employees...
BOOK REVIEW: Leadership From 30,000 Feet 5 Retired Generals Psychology/Sociology of Leading 2019 / 193 Pages Table of Contents/Organization Part 1 - Commitment Part 2 - Courage Part 3 - Competence Part 4 - Compassion Part 5 - Character Stand-Out...
Good morning, from Montgomery, Alabama. I awoke this morning to a note from a friend who let me know that this Typepad blog had been hacked somehow, that a post was uploaded without my knowledge. As you can see, I've...

When you think about the future, what comes to mind? Do you start with work and go to life? Do you start with family and then go to career? Can you imagine your work/life a year from now? Can you...
Here's my big 'ol opinion: Sometime between 11am and 2pm everybody you work with is going to leave the desk for a meal. Whether they go to a fridge and get the lunch they brought or they leave the office...
96 blocks of 15 minutes = 1,440 minutes = 24 hours In 19 years of coaching, I’ve yet to met a “successful” person who does think they schools be able to get 98 or 102 or 110 blocks worth out...