Imagine navigating a dense fog, not blindly reacting to each obstacle, but charting a course based on glimpses of the path ahead. This is the essence of Generate Agility, a cornerstone of the NAVIGATE Model. Building upon a foundation of adaptability...
Imagine a world where groundbreaking ideas aren’t confined to laboratories or studios, but flourish throughout your entire organization. This isn’t a Utopian fantasy; it’s the reality fueled by the Innovate and Iterate phase of the NAVIGATE Model. Dr...
Imagine a sculptor and an engineer collaborating on a new bridge design. One brings a visionary aesthetic, the other a focus on structural integrity. On the surface, their approaches seem worlds apart. However, when anchored in a shared value of sust...
Feeling like change is a constant hurricane threatening your business? Traditional leadership models might leave you exposed. The NAVIGATE Model offers a new approach – the Generalist’s Advantage. This article explores how fostering cross-functional...
In today’s ever-shifting landscape, strategic planning isn’t just about making informed decisions; it’s about harnessing the collective power of diverse perspectives. This Generalist Advantage, where people think across disciplines and challenge the...
Feeling lost in a future swirling with unknowns? The NAVIGATE Model explores how to foster collaboration, promote continuous learning, and focus on shared values, thus empowering you to not just survive change, but to thrive in a world that demands i...
In today’s rapidly evolving world, traditional approaches to problem-solving are no longer enough. To thrive in complex environments, individuals and organizations must harness the transformative power of cross-disciplinary thinking. Here are five ti...
Insights from Industry Leaders at the America’s Credit Unions GAC in Washington, D.C. On the heels of the release of my book “The Generalist’s Advantage,” this week I visited industry leaders at the CUNA-GAC (America’s Credit Unions – Governmental Af...
If you skillfully follow the multidisciplinary path, you will never wish to come back. It would be like cutting off your hands. Charlie Munger If you’ve ever strolled through the annals of history, you’d note a captivating pattern. Think of the days...
The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.” – Bill Gates Let’s face facts: While the tech world often dazzles us with its shimmering innovations, it’s all too easy to...