Instagram Logo[GOD] - a story of renewal ⠀ Everyday the sun sets on the Earth. ⠀ It also happens to always rise the following morning, without fail. ⠀ We find ourselves with new day; a clean slate to write a different page in a larger story. ⠀ But before that, we find darkness. We find uncertainty and confusion. ⠀ We find an absence of light as the Earth is swallowed by the darkness of the night. ⠀ In a more figurative sense, I have found myself in a similar darkness many times in my life. ⠀ While it may not be a physical darkness, it carries the same uncertainty, confusion, and fear as the nighttime does. It’s a lonely path and one that’s hard to even see the ground beneath your feet. ⠀ But with every night, there’s always a morning. ⠀ The sun never ceases to rise upon a new dawn. ⠀ As the sun begins to peek through the trees, I breathe in the fresh air. ⠀ Ahh, renewal. ⠀ No longer do I walk in darkness, but I run to the light. I celebrate in the light of a new day. ⠀ I look to the Son; not the hot ball of fire in the sky, but the Son of God who created it in the beginning. ⠀ He alone lights my path. He alone walks beside me. He alone causes fear to run and hide. ⠀ Darkness flees at the mention of His name. He is my rest and He never, ever fails. ⠀ He makes me new; washed in His blood. ⠀ His name, is Jesus. ⠀ So run. ⠀ Run out of the darkness and towards the night. 
Run away from the empty promises of the world. ⠀ Run into the arms of the Father. ⠀ Then step into the light, feeling refreshed and free from all that was holding you back. ⠀ Step into the newness, as if you have been reborn for a second time. ⠀ Renewal is there and it’s waiting for you with anticipation. ⠀ All you have to do is accept it. ⠀ Please do…
Instagram Logo[OTHERS] - a story of change ⠀ For whatever reason, at 11:59pm on December 31, 2020, everything was supposed to magically “get better”. ⠀ Or so people made it seem. ⠀ Then we get a few days into the new year and suddenly everyone is shocked when it’s the same old thing. ⠀ “But, I thought 2021 would be different?” ⠀ “C’mon 2021, you’re better than this!” ⠀ I can’t help but wonder: when are we as a people going to realize that a year is just a man made concept and start owning our crap? ⠀ When are we going to stop blaming our circumstances and start taking responsibility to create the change we want to see in the world? ⠀ When are we going to stop putting our faith in a broken society and start putting it in a Jesus who never fails? ⠀ A new year doesn’t mean a new you unless you decide to take on the responsibility of CREATING one. ⠀ That should have been evident through the chaos that happened in DC today. ⠀ We find ourselves in a broken, divided country. It hurts to even watch. We all find ourselves angry, heartbroken, and demanding change, yet we forget one of the most important truths: ⠀ If you want to change the world, start with changing yourself. ⠀ Things won’t just magically get better, as unfortunate as that may sound. It takes being willing to change and seeking that change, starting with each and every one of us. ⠀ It takes putting faith NOT in our circumstances, but in the God who is in control of it all. ⠀ Even when it feels like He isn’t there. Even when the questions and the doubts arise. Even in the hurt. ⠀ I challenge you to pull out a piece of paper right now and just write down one positive change you can make in your life to better yourself. Then make a plan of action to make that change a reality. Please DM me if you need help with this. ⠀ Guys, I can’t say it enough, change starts with us. Dig deep. Ask tough questions. Love others deeply. Be obnoxiously present. ⠀ I am always here for you if you need to talk, have questions, etc. My DM’s are always open. ⠀ Love y’all ❤️✌?
Instagram Logo[SELF] - the story of a dead end road ⠀ Last summer I was the happiest I’ve ever been. ⠀ I felt on top of the world every single day and was living high off my achievements. ⠀ But that was the problem. They were MY achievements. ⠀ My happiness was from ME. My peace was from ME. My hope, joy, and worth were from ME. ⠀ In other words, it was all on my back. It was self-sufficiency at its finest. ⠀ I won’t lie, it worked for awhile. Until it didn’t… ⠀ Eventually I got tired. I got lonely. The seasons changed and the good ‘ole seasonal blues rolled around. I found myself back where I had been in the spring: anxious, burnt out, and going through my days feeling melancholy and insecure. ⠀ I couldn’t help but ask, “Why?” Everything was going GREAT. I would think to myself, “I have a beautiful girl who loves me, a family who supports me, a community cheering me on, and a life where I am living out my dreams, so WHY am I falling back into this pit?” ⠀ Most people didn’t even know I was. Even more are just finding out reading this. We don’t exactly love sharing those sides of our lives on Instagram. ⠀ But it was the reality. ⠀ So why on Earth did I feel this way on the inside when on the outside, everything seemed PERFECT? ⠀ Well, the reality is, self-sufficiency is a dead end road and I had just plowed right into the “Dead End” sign. ⠀ The world told me peace was found in me. The world told me joy was found in me. The world told me hope was found in me. ⠀ Then I was reminded of something: the world’s offers are in fact also, a dead end road; leading nowhere. ⠀ True peace, joy, hope, confidence, worth, love, and life are found on a different road. They are found not on the road of self-sufficiency, but on the road of Faith-relaincy. They are found when we realize it’s not all on us to find these things. That is not our job. Our job is simply to trust in Jesus, the one who supplies these beautiful things. The One who enables us to accomplish our wildest dreams and ambitions. ⠀ The self is a dead end road; I recommend avoiding it. ⠀ The alternative is beautiful and so life-giving. And at the end of it is not a dead end, but open arms. ⠀ Run into them.
Instagram LogoUnpopular opinion: 2020 was my best year yet... ⠀ Now before you jump on me for saying what seems to be such a controversial statement, let me explain. ⠀ 2020 was the year EVERYTHING changed. I’m sure you can probably relate? ⠀ This was the year that I: -launched @intotheuncomfortable -dropped out of college -took an internship @thriveonlife which led to me picking up a camera for the first time -dove head first into creative entrepreneurship -moved out of my parents house with the money I hustled all summer to make, and without ANY financial help from them or anyone -bought my own camera/lens -started my own business and LLC as @jakeallenmedia -oh and…GOT ENGAGED to the girl of my dreams! ⠀ But the rest of the world has been telling me that 2020 was the worst year ever. ⠀ Frankly, I don’t buy it. ⠀ That said…despite all the beauty and growth that has happened over the past 365 days, there has also been A LOT of pain, uncertainty, heartache, etc. which once again, I’m sure most of you can probably relate to. There were many days (especially the quarantine days) spent feeling lower than low and questioning EVERYTHING. ⠀ But here’s the thing about pain, changes, hardships, and what not… they all come with a CHOICE. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can always control your response. ⠀ 2020 did not go easy on us, that’s for sure. But you had an option; let it beat you down and crush your spirit, or KEEP GOING!!! ⠀ Shouts to everyone who chose the latter. Pat yourself on the back, you’ve earned it. ⠀ If I had to pick one word for 2020, it would probably be: GROWTH. I grew more this year than I even thought possible and it has been so beautiful. I owe it all first and foremost to the Lord for working in and through me this year. I could NOT have done any of this on my own. I also owe it to my beautiful fiancée @gracefischmann, my loving family, my #thrive community, and everyone else I crossed paths with this year. The support I’ve felt from the #atx community has been incredible and I love you all! ⠀ So now we face a new year. With that, is a new CHOICE. A choice to make 2021 the best year yet, despite what is thrown at us. ⠀ Choose wisely…