Approaching The Ledge

Congratulations. You did it. You made it to the second step of diving into the uncomfortable. You cut the safety rope and made a conscious decision to tune into your intuition and begin the second step: Approaching The Ledge.

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Apr 20, 2020
Cliffside Confusion

You’re standing on a cliff. You’ve been climbing for what feels like a lifetime in eager anticipation for a view that is sure to take your breath away. You’re beaten, bruised, sweaty, and frankly, could desperately use a shower. You have poured...

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Apr 13, 2020
Life in Quarantine

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the woods without any form of communication to the outside world for the last month, you know we are living in pretty uncomfortable times. I don’t have to tell you that we are stuck in our homes indefin...

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Apr 07, 2020
The Burden of Anxiety

Anxiety often stems from attempting to control what we were never meant to control anyways. It comes from our pride taking over and telling us we need to control things that are out of our reach. What if instead, you surrendered those anxieties...

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Mar 31, 2020
Patience In Action

In the past couple of posts, we have discussed putting things off until “later” and I challenged you to ask yourself “If not now, when?”. The past two posts have been all about not waiting and just going for it right now, however, sometimes we...

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Mar 24, 2020
If Not Now, When?

As mentioned last week, many of us resort to “later” due to the fear of failure. In my case, I did this for four weeks, and when I finally worked up the guts to do it, my fear still became a reality anyways. However, the funny part about failur...

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Feb 26, 2020
If Not Now, When?

Why do we continue to put everything off and wait for “later”? Is it really because we are too busy, or is it simply because we are terrified of failing? What if instead of putting it off you asked yourself a simple question: If not now, when?

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Feb 18, 2020
Into The Uncomfortable

In every decision we make, we are faced with two options: the COMFORTABLE and the UNCOMFORTABLE. My aim in this blog is to share my own stories, experiences, thoughts, and feelings, and to be as raw, authentic, and open as I can in doing so.

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Feb 10, 2020