Plyometrics: Extensive vs Intensive Plyometrics are movements that involve a rapid stretch and contraction (counter-movement) of muscles that take advantage of the elastic properties of the muscles and tendons involved. These rapid stretch-contractions are referred to as the stretch-shortening cycle. Plyometrics can be classified as either extensive or intensive and should be programmed different accordingly. ? Extensive plyometrics are sub-maximal and tend to be more rhythmic in their execution. Due to the sub-maximal nature of these, the repetition method works well for programming. Sets and reps schemes along the lines of 3x10 or 3x30 seconds depending on the exercise. They also work well as an accessory AFTER the primary lift. They can be viewed as preparatory for their bigger brother, intensive plyometrics. See videos 1 and 3 for example of extensive plyometrics. ? Intensive plyometrics, as the name implies, are more intense and performed with maximal intent both in speed and power. Due to the maximal intent of power of this execution, sets and reps will look inverted from the extensive with use of the dynamic Effort method. Sets and reps schemes such as 10x3 work well. These do well performed either BEFORE the lift or on a different day as the KPI. See videos 2 and 4 for examples of intensive plyometrics. Next time you consider adding plyometrics into your program, consider adding a preparatory period of 2-3 weeks of extensive plyometrics prior to doing intensive plyometrics and see how your body feels.
Reverse Step-up vs Regular Step-up The step-up is a great unilateral exercise that has a true moment of single leg stability and it's generally well tolerated for most individuals when it comes to training around knee pain. ??? With the traditional Step-up, one can choose a more hip dominant ? strategy or a knee dominant ? strategy. ♾️ There are numerous variations to the step-up (as with every exercise) with some being more advanced than others and some done to specifically target a movement or muscles in training. ↩️ Take the Reverse Step-up for example. This variation biases the quad, foot, and ankle strength by placing the knee over the toes at the start of the movement. This will minimize the hips from assisting and place greater stress on the quadriceps. ? No, your knees won't explode if you are working within your current capability. They may even feel stronger if you train this variation and progress it appropriately.
Banded vs. Reverse Band Lifts Although very similar in how they accommodate the strength curve of a lift (lighten the load in the bottom and increase the load towards the top), there are some subtle differences between banded and reverse band set ups. The traditional banded set up (bands anchored from the bottom) provides an over-speed eccentric, essentially increasing the amount of eccentric stress on the movement. ? Just like when you dribble a basketball, the push from the hand accelerates the balls impact to the floor increasing the kinetic energy and therefore the height at which the ball bounces back. The harder you push, the higher the rebound bounce. This is how the traditional band set up acts on a barbell. ↩️ The Reverse Band set up does just the opposite and provides an assist or slight over-speed concentric. This will allow you to handle heavier loads overall and tends to "cushion" the eccentric and amortization phase (transition to concentric). This can be useful for a psychological benefit as well as handling loads you may not be able to yet through full ROM, hence it also being known as the "Future Method." Want to learn more about accommodative resistance? I'll be giving a bonus presentation for the @getppsc Master's students this Wednesday 4/21. Message @getppsc to learn how you can be a part of it.
Isometrics have been shown to have an analgesic effect. When done close to end range, they are also great for improving mobility and the ability to express strength in the lengthened position. They can be a ball busting finisher as well. Here's a 3-week cycle to plug in to your program: Week 1️⃣: 4x30 sec, 30-45 sec off (15 sec transition and 30 sec work period for the opposite limb if doing unilateral) Week 2️⃣: 3x45 sec, 45-60 sec off Week 3️⃣: 3x60 sec, 60-75 sec off I personally prefer these as finishers but they can also work well as prep (although I'd recommend keeping them sub-maximal) or loaded as an accessory depending on your needs.
#Repost @getppsc (@get_repost) ・・・ If you don’t plan for success you are planning to fail. With that said, planning comes in many forms in fitness known as periodization. PPSC Instructor @idealstrength breaks down different models and principles so you can use the best plan for your clients! Want to get better at programming? Read this article! ? In bio
2:1 Eccentric Method The 2:1 method is a great way to train eccentrics on unilateral exercises. Since we can handle heavier loads eccentrically compared to concentrically, the eccentric portion can often be underloaded in a traditional dynamic movement. If our goal is to tax the eccentric qualities of a muscle group or movement, we must figure out a way to use a heavy enough load to challenge this contraction type safely or train it sub-maximally with an accentuated eccentric tempo. The 2:1 Method utilizes an assist on the concentric by performing this portion bilaterally and the eccentric unilaterally, allowing heavier loads to be used unilaterally. Similar to having a spotter help lift the bar on the bench press, both limbs will lift the load and by removing one limb, the other is tasked with lowering the load under control. This method can be applied to a number of different exercises. I really like using this method on leg curls as shown here. I'll often finish a set of training both independently with additional bilateral reps to further fatigue.
Last chance to get the Strong Start Program during the launch sale❗ 8-Weeks culminating with an assessment of relative strength for each foundational movement pattern with the Ideal Strength Standards. Sale ends tomorrow! ? Link in bio to learn more! ??♂️ Any questions, post below, DM, or email me at Music:Stella, Musician:BenJamin Banger, Album:Unknown
?️ With gyms reopening and vaccines in place, more and more people are eager to get back to "in-gym" and "out of house" training. ? Do not be fooled by over excitement and under preparedness. If you have been away from training for an extended period OR COVID has made you realize you ACTUALLY should be training than THIS PROGRAM is for you! Announcing the Strong Start Plan What you get: 8-week bridge program that is designed to get you back on track or begin your journey of training safely and effectively. ? Programming delivered straight to your phone through online training software with detailed explanations and videos for every aspect of your training. ?Click the link in bio to find out more! ?DM or email me at with any questions.❓
‼️RNT: The Best Teaching Tool for Kinesthetic Learners ?You've probably seen people at the gym implementing this method, but may not have realized what they were doing. ?It is common knowledge that people learn differently than one another and may prefer a certain learning style over others. For the physical or kinesthetic learner, the Reactive Neuromuscular Training (RNT) method is second to none while instructing movement corrective strategies. Through applying a micro amount of resistance with a band to exaggerate a movement compensation, the trainee will be led to correct the targeted compensation. Here are some key points while utilizing the RNT method: ??Feed the dysfunction or compensation It may seem contrary to common sense, but by feeding into the dysfunction and amplifying the movement compensation, the trainee will be able to recognize and adjust to correct their movement. ??Keep the band tension subtle but effective. Adding too much band tension can alter the mechanics of the lift altogether dampening the carry-over of the corrective strategy to the target movement we are aiming to correct. ??Do not become over-reliant on the bands. Test and Re-test Frequent usage of the RNT method can create a reliance on the external feedback to complete the lift correctly. Keep this as a corrective tool used primarily in warm-ups and remember to re-test the original movement without the band to validate the corrective strategy is transferring into the target movement. ?The applications of applying the RNT method are as infinite as your imagination allows. SWIPE for a handful of common exercises with the RNT method applied (in video order): 1️⃣RNT Overhead Squat (bilateral and unilateral) 2️⃣RNT Front Banded Deadlift 3️⃣RNT Front Banded Barbell Bent Over Row 4️⃣RNT Handcuff Bench Press 5️⃣RNT Box Squat Don’t forget to SHARE and SAVE this post if you found it useful or know a friend that would! ?
??♂️ What goes well with A1? Besides steak, what pairs well with your KPI lift for the training session? ? When training for strength, rest periods in between sets are important without a doubt. The dilemma this creates both in personal training sessions and individual training sessions is the "dead space" created in the training session. ⏳ Although this time between sets is necessary for recovery and performance, this time does not need to be spent passively resting. ? This is a golden opportunity to add in some focused work that is non-fatiguing into your session. These strategic movements are known as fillers. Fillers are best programmed based on how you are feeling/moving during that day (auto-regulation). My hierarchy of how I choose fillers are as follows: ☝️ Has to be non-fatiguing. It would not make sense to throw in an exercise that would detract from the KPI and negate the idea of taking the rest period in the first place. Keeping this in mind: 1️⃣ Improves the KPI. These often look like an extension of the warm-up. For example, if I find that my pecs and shoulders are feeling tight during squatting, I will program something along the lines of a Band-Over-and-Back to help mobilize the upper body. These can also be stability-based exercise, often exercises commonly found in the activation phase of the warm-up. 2️⃣ Addresses a Linchpin/ Deficit. If I do not need anything to help improve my position or movement of the KPI for that day, I may address a lingering deficit that affects other movement patterns. For example, performing a Good Ass Pigeon stretch to address hip mobility in between bench press sets. 3️⃣ Adds Additional Volume on Posterior Chain. Lastly, I will fill choose a low energy cost exercise that will add volume to the posterior chain, typically lower body if I am training upper as a KPI or vice versa.
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