2015 Emerald Cup “Double Viking”

May 9th 2015 Marks the first meet for the Heavy Hitters Power lifting team. It was a great meet filled with friends, family, adrenaline, first timers and Personal Bests. Recap of Hardcore Power lifti

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May 26, 2015
Programming for Maximum Strength Seminar

Happy Memorial Day! This weekend I was fortunate enough to present to a group of peers and fitness enthusiasts.  I presented on program design for maximal strength gains.  For those of you that attend

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May 24, 2015
The Key to Unlocking Hidden Strength

There are a number of different tips and tricks out there that promise to improve your strength.  Some are good, some are questionable, and some are downright lies.  If I can share with you only one t

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Feb 26, 2015
Is Cardio Killing Your Gains?

Prioritizing Training Goals The short answer is: it depends. Training is a balancing act between many different variables that interplay with each other to create an end result.  The end result should

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Dec 01, 2014
Keeping the Fire Ablaze

As a fitness professional, I spend a lot of time in the gym.  It can be a wonder of how someone such as myself could keep up a high motivation for training myself and others.  After working with clien

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Nov 20, 2014
Lone Wolf or Dynamic Duo?

All the best superheroes have a partner, a team mate. No one rides alone successful. The greatest success’ and accomplishments are those that are usually shared. It has always been said, two (muscle)

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Nov 20, 2014