Dopey Day: ChrisMiss in July

The Dopey Podcast was created “by addicts for addicts, and for those that might be recovery-curious.” The show normalizes past behavior in a safe place to listen, identify with, and be a part of a coterie capable of laughing at “the craziest stories,...

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Aug 16, 2020
8 Books That Destabilize Master Narratives

There is an urgent need to make sense of the discourse that has been happening surrounding the destabilization of hegemonic “master narratives.” How do we wrestle with the stories that we have been told and the stories that we have been systemically...

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Aug 15, 2020
My Body Is Not A Trend

Recently, I was on Instagram when I saw a photo of activist Ameya Okamoto and her sister posing and slightly pulling their eyes back. Her hashtags and caption are what caught my attention:  “#myBODYisnotyourcostume #myBODYisnotatrend… it took me year...

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Aug 14, 2020
Sexism in the Medical Field

Women are often stereotyped as being more emotional and dramatic than men. Not only is this stereotype unfair and extremely sexist, but it is also harmful and can have physical ramifications. The notion of women as more emotional creatures causes man...

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Aug 13, 2020
Pandemic Sparks a Revival of the Local Food Movement

The pandemic has caused drastic changes in almost all aspects of our lives. For the food industry, the pandemic has operated as a catalyst, forcing people to think more critically about the sources of their food and what a shortage might mean. With m...

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Aug 12, 2020